371 Vierstimmige Chor?le (Four-Part Chorales) (B Flat T.C. Part 4) (HL-44003564)

371 Vierstimmige Chor?le (Four-Part Chorales) (B Flat T.C. Part 4)
Model# HL-44003564
UPC 073999548327

List Price: $16.00

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The complete catalog of Bach's known chorales are transcribed for all wind and string instruments in this ultimate flexible series. With only four written parts, these chorales can be performed by virtually any group of instruments, and the series can also be used for solo or duet performance with the available piano/organ accompaniment score.

Publisher: De Haske Publications
Publisher Code: 1001951
Publication Date: 06/2000
Credits: J.S. Bach/ed. Hans Algra
Pages: 76
Length: 12.00 in.
Width: 9.00 in.
Series: De Haske Ensemble
Format: B Flat T.C. Part 4
ISBN: 9043108014
Band Grade: 3

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